Consorzio dell’Asparago di Badoere

Consorzio dell’Asparago di Badoere

Azienda agricola

The Badoere Asparagus Consortium was founded in 2002, and now brings together agricultural firms, cooperatives and several municipalities from the protected region. Its original aim was: - To protect the production and sale of Badoere asparagus I.G.P. (I.G.P.: geographically protected product) and defend it against misuse. - To maintain the particular and typical characteristics of the product as outlined by its Production Standards. - To protect the use of brands, seals, stamps and labels relating to the I.G.P., and to prevent and prosecute any illicit or illegal use of the product. - To promote and defend the consumption and awareness of Badoere asparagus in Italy and abroad and to assure its commercial development. -To support its members in facilitating and improving the production and sale of Badoere asparagus both in Italy and abroad.

Consorzio dell’Asparago di Badoere

P.zza Indipendenza, 2 c/o Municipio 31050 – Morgano (TV)